In the Sabina region, located just north of Rome, a cherished Christmas tradition is the preparation of "nociata", a simple yet delicious treat made from just two ingredients: honey and walnuts.
The honey is gently heated and combined with toasted walnuts, then let cool off and placed over fresh bay leaves. These leaves not only add a subtle flavor but also keep the sticky mixture from clinging to your fingers.
This treat, reminiscent of "torrone" (nougat), is a staple at festive tables throughout the Sabina area during Christmas. The bay leaves elevate both the taste and texture, making the nociata a unique holiday delicacy. The combination of honey and walnuts is not only delicious but also symbolizes prosperity and abundance, making it a perfect treat for the season.
The tradition calls for bay leaves to add aroma to this treat, but you can skip them if they are not available
1 cup of walnuts halves
1/3 cup of honey
bay leaves (optional)
Wash the bay leaves (if using) and put on the side to let them dry.
Roughly chop the walnuts with a knife.
Pour the honey in a pot over low-medium heat and cook, constantly stirring, for about 10 minutes, until it turns reddish.
Add the walnuts and cook for another 2 minutes.
Line a piece of parchment paper on a a cutting board, then pour the honey-walnut mixture on the paper.
Place another piece of parchment paper on top and, using a rolling pin, flatten the mixture to about 1/8 inch thick.
Cut into diamond shapes and place each piece on top of a bay leaf.
Let cool off completely and enjoy. They are even better when left resting overnight!When stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, they last for up to a month.
Please note: don't eat the bay leaves Its purpose is to "flavor" the nougat. You can keep the leave and make tea with it, just add 1 cup of hot water for each leaf and let it seep for 5 minutes.